Pigeon Group Formulates Human Rights Policy


Pigeon Corporation (Headquarters: Tokyo; President and CEO: Norimasa Kitazawa) has announced the formulation of its Pigeon Group Human Rights Policy, dated May 14, 2024.

The Pigeon Group's Purpose is "We want to make the world more baby-friendly by furthering our commitment to understanding and addressing babies' unique needs," and the Group pursues activities around the globe as it strives to make this Purpose reality. In accordance with the Pigeon Group's Corporate Philosophy of "Love" and Credo of "Only love can beget love," as laid out in the Pigeon DNA and Pigeon Way upheld by each and every Group employee, these business activities are founded on respect for human rights.


The Pigeon Group will continue to pursue activities with the utmost respect for the United Nations' the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and other international standards for human rights.


The Pigeon Group Human Rights Policy is available at the following website:




<Pigeon Group Human Rights Policy structure>

  • Scope of the Human Rights Policy
  • Our Commitment to Respecting Human Rights
  • Implementing Our Commitment
  • Human Rights Governance
    • Human rights due diligence
    • Remedy
    • Grievance mechanisms
    • Training
    • Dialog
    • Communication and disclosure
  • High-priority human rights areas
    • Non-discrimination
    • Prohibition of harassment
    • Prohibition of child labor and protection of young workers
    • Prohibition of forced and compulsory labor
    • Working conditions, including wages and working hours
    • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    • Occupational health and safety
    • Indigenous peoples and local communities


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