Pigeon Group Risk Management Policy
To realize Pigeon’s Purpose, “We want to make the world more baby-friendly by furthering our commitment to understanding and addressing babies’ unique needs,” the Pigeon Group (“the Group”) sees it as important to be a corporate group capable of appropriately managing and addressing the various risks around its business, and as such includes risk management in its Key Issues (Materiality) as an Individual Issue within “Establishing Solid Management Foundations.”
Based on this Risk Management Policy (“this policy”), the Group will pursue risk management as a solid foundation for business continuity.
1.Fundamental Approach to Risk Management
The Group defines uncertainties with a major impact on achieving management goals and corporate continuity as “risks,” actualization of these risks as “incidents,” and things that have a major impact on the Group’s business and require urgent responses as “crises.” The Group’s fundamental approach to risk management is to keep risks within acceptable bounds by working to reduce them and prevent incidents before they arise. As a Group that supplies products and services essential for pregnancy, childbirth, childrearing, and care, we aim to achieve both sustainable growth and continuity of supply for our products and services by considering both threats and opportunities with significant impacts on our business activities as we address risks.
2.Risk Management Initiatives
In order to respond to the various risks and changes in the environment surrounding the Group, the Group establishes risk management systems and procedures as needed, with reference to the approach found in ISO 31000 (Risk Management).
To clarify the Group’s risk management framework, the Group will establish separate Risk Management regulations. To reinforce risk management across the entire Group, the Group will strive to monitor overall risk information and respond swiftly and appropriately via Risk Management Committees (GHO and BUs).
4.Communication and Training
The Group will share this policy with and offer training to all directors and employees to ensure that risk management is incorporated into the business activities of all Group companies.
5.Information Disclosure
The Group will disclose its progress on risk management initiatives based on this policy, including results, via website, reports, and other means deemed appropriate.
Formulated: November 25, 2024
Risk Management System / Activities
Governed by the Rules for Risk Management, which systematically stipulate the Group’s risk management responses the Global Head Office (GHO) Risk Management Committee is chaired by the director for GHO, under the supervision of the president and CEO. Directly below the GHO Risk Management Committee are the Risk Management Committees of each business segment, which are chaired by the head of operations in each segment (Japan Business, China Business, Singapore Business, and Lansinoh Business). This framework enables information about risk to be collected across the entire Group, provides necessary controls, and empowers each segment to respond rapidly to risk issues. The GHO Risk Management Committee reports the details and the results of responses made to the Board of Directors, as necessary.
Organizational Chart of Risk Management Committee
Risk Management Activities
The GHO Risk Management Committee systematically collects, analyzes, and evaluates the risk information it gathers from throughout the Group, centered on the risk information it collects from each business segment. On its own or through the respective business segments, the GHO Risk Management Committee then examines and implements response measures. In particular key risks are being addressed primarily by the departments in charge of risk as nominated by the GHO Risk Management Committee. These departments collate information and examine and implement measures across the Group. In addition, in order to manage risk throughout the Pigeon Group, we review risk annually through risk assessments, while striving to reduce risk and prevent the occurrence of major risks.
In the event of a crisis to the Group, such as a large-scale disaster, the Risk Management Committee promptly convenes in accordance with the Risk Management Regulations or the Business Continuity Plan (BCP), and respond to minimize losses and restore operations. In the event of a serious risk or incident, the GHO Risk Management Committee reports to the Board of Directors on the details and results of the response, as appropriate.
Committee Members of The GHO Risk Management Committee
Chair: | Tadashi Itakura | Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer Head of Global Head Office |
Committee Members : | Kevin Vyse-Peacock | Director, Executive Officer Lansinoh Business Division Manager/ CEO of Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc. |
Yusuke Nakata | Senior Managing Officer Singapore Business Division Manager | |
Zenzou Yamaguchi | Senior Managing Officer Head of Japan Operations | |
Joe Zhou | CHINA BUSINESS DIV. President & Managing Officer/ PIGEON SHANGHAI CO.,LTD President | |
Nobuo Takubo | Senior Managing Officer, Business Strategy Division Manager |
Key Risks and Risk Owners monitored by the GHO Risk Management Committee
Key Risks |
Risk Owners |
Compliance |
Legal Department |
Financial |
Accounting & Finance Division |
Information Security |
Systems Consulting Department |
Supply Chain Management (SCM) |
Supply Chain Management Division |
Customer Complaint | Customer Service Center |
Human Rights |
Business Strategy Division |
Risk Management Methods
We have established a PDCA cycle and conduct risk management activities throughout the year.
Activities of the GHO Risk Management Committee
Number of meetings |
Twice a year |
Reports to the Board of Directors |
Once a year |
Activities |
-Sharing of information on Group risks and incidents -Formulation of measures mitigating key risks and management of progress -Reporting on the results of risk assessments conducted and risk mitigation measures across the entire Group |
The GHO Risk Management Committee meetings
7th Sep 3, 2024