Reducing our Environmental Impact

What We Aim to Achieve

To leave a rich earth for the future of babies born tomorrow, we are implementing the Pigeon Green Action Plan, which includes objectives for decarbonization, a circular society, and coexistence with nature

Individual Issues

  • Global plastic production continues to increase, and much of the Pigeon Group’s product packaging uses plastic as well. In order to achieve a sustainable society, the Pigeon Group will begin watching over products for their whole lifetime by promoting circular monozukuri (manufacturing). By 2030, 50% by weight of the materials used in the Pigeon Group’s packaging will be either plant-derived or recycled. Additionally, by the same year, all of Pigeon’s packaging will be reusable, recyclable, and/or compostable by design.

  • Circular manufacturing

    Sterilization Tongs for Nursing Bottles (Old packaging)

    Sterilization Tongs for Nursing Bottles (New packaging)

  • At Pigeon, we promote the adoption of forest-certified paper that uses timber from responsibly managed forests as its raw material, as well as recycled paper. The skincare, washing, and cleaning products manufactured and sold by the Pigeon Group include components manufactured from palm oil and palm kernel oil among their raw materials. We will increase the use of RSPO-certified palm oil in the skincare, washing, and cleaning products it manufactures.

  • Initiatives to Achieve a Coexistence with Nature: Using sustainable resources (paper and palm oil)

Targets and Progress

Individual issues 2030/2050 targets 2023 Performance
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 & 3)

・2050—Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions: Net Zero
・2030—Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions: 50% reduction (compared to FY2018)
Scope 3 GHG emissions: Reductions with Science-Based Targets (to be finalized)

・Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions:
60% reduction compared with fiscal 2018
・Scope 3 GHG emissions: being calculated

Circular manufacturing

・2030—Plant-derived or recycled materials in packaging: 50% by weight

・2030—Reusable/recyclable/compostable packaging: 100%

・Currently under review, including the proportion of plant-derived or recycled materials used
・81% (of SKUs)

Using sustainable resources (paper & palm oil)

・2030—Sustainable paper usage rate in packaging: 100%

・2030—RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil usage rate in Pigeon-manufactured skincare/washing/cleaning products: 100% (including RSPO Credits)

・58%(of SKUs)


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 & 3)

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

p>2050 Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions: Net Zero
2030 Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions: 50% reduction (compared to FY2018)
Scope 3 GHG emissions: Reductions with Science-Based Targets (to be finalized)

2023 Results/Progress

Scope 1&2 GHG emissions 60% reduction from FY2018
Scope 3 GHG emissions: Calculating actual results

Circular manufacturing

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

2030 Plant-derived or recycled materials in packaging: 50% by weight
2030 Reusable/recyclable/compostable packaging: 100%

2023 Results/Progress

The ratio of plant-derived and recycled materials in each material is under scrutiny.
81% (compared to the number of SKUs)

Using sustainable resources (paper & palm oil)

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

2030 Sustainable paper usage rate in packaging: 100% 2030 RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil usage rate in Pigeon-manufactured skincare/washing/cleaning products: 100%(including RSPO Credits)*

Use of RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil usage rate in Pigeon-manufactured skincare/washing/cleaning products: 30% (including RSPO Credits) ※Excluding Other brand products

2023 Results/Progress

・58%(compared to the number of SKUs) ・15%

Environmental Policy

The Pigeon Group is committed to forming a sustainable society in the finite global environment and “leaving a rich earth for the future of babies born tomorrow” by acting based on the Pigeon DNA and the Pigeon Way. In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations, we recognize the relationship between our business activities and the environment, while energetically tackling the environmental issues as a common challenge for humanity.
In that spirit, we pursue maximum efficiency in the use of natural resources and energy and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, waste, harmful chemicals, and other substances that impact the environment, thereby contributing to mitigating global warming, preventing pollution, and preserving biodiversity.
In advancing these various efforts, we strive to form appropriate partnerships and cooperative relations with the diverse range of stakeholders in our supply chain, including customers, business partners, and local communities, to have a beneficial effect on the global environment of the future.

Biodiversity Policy

The Pigeon Group recognizes that biodiversity is the foundation for the survival of society as a whole and is an essential element of sustainable business activities.

Based on full consideration for how our business activities affect biodiversity in various situations such as raw material procurement, water resources and wastewater used in manufacturing processes, and product disposal, the Pigeon Group implements initiatives for protecting nature in order to conserve biodiversity.

Environmental Management System

As a company that operates business activities globally, we are working on environmental activities not only to merely reduce environmental impact but as a management system based on the PDCA spiral for continuous improvements.

At the end of 2020, 100% of the Pigeon Group’s production sites have obtained ISO 14001 certification for environmental management systems.

Pigeon Group Companies with ISO 14001 Certification

Tsukuba Office, Pigeon Corporatio Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
Pigeon Home Products Corporation Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Pigeon Manufacturing Hyogo Corporation Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Pigeon Manufacturing Ibaraki Corporation Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan