Establishing Solid Management Foundations

What We Aim to Achieve

Reinforce our GHO/4SBU structure and enhance our corporate governance framework encouraging ambitious endeavors to boost corporate value over the medium to long term

Individual Issues

  • The Pigeon Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”) consists of Pigeon Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and 25 consolidated subsidiaries, and operates its business through the Global Head Office (GHO), which oversees all Group companies, and four business segments: Japan Business, China Business, Singapore Business, and Lansinoh Business. In order to achieve medium- and long-term growth and improve profitability of the Group, we have been focusing on the key issues of the Group, such as how to make governance work both “offensively” and “defensively” in the Group management, how to optimize the business portfolio, and how to implement effective Group governance. We believe that these are important issues for the Group, and we have made “strengthening group governance” a specific issue.

  • Reinforcing Group governance
  • The Pigeon Group has been implementing compliance-related measures with a focus on the following three pillars: 1) Formulate (revise) and implement compliance-related rules, 2) compliance education, and 3) compliance monitoring. We are examining and implementing these measures to 1) prevent compliance violations and 2) detect and resolve compliance violations as soon as possible.

  • Reinforcing compliance
  • Pigeon has formulated the Rules for Risk Management, which systematically stipulate the Pigeon Group's risk management responses, and are committed to effective risk management. We have established a framework that facilitates the collection of risk-related information across the entire Group, implements necessary controls, and enables swift response to risk issues by each segment.

  • Reinforcing risk management
  • The Pigeon Group considers its customers, suppliers, government and local governments, local communities, employees, and shareholders as stakeholders who are deeply involved in its business activities. Based on the opinions and evaluations obtained through active communication with various stakeholders, we strive to identify issues and reflect them in our business activities in order to promote higher quality activities and enhance corporate value.

  • Dialogue with stakeholders

Targets and Progress

Individual issues 8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025) 2023 Results/Progress

Reinforcing group governance

・Strengthen corporate governance (Governance Committee)
・Conduct an annual evaluation of the eff ectiveness of the Board of Directors

・CCC: 122.9 days (actual as of Dec. 2023)

Reinforcing risk management

・Convene the GHO Risk Management Committee at least once a year
・Implement Group-wide risk assessments annually

・2 GHO Risk Management Committee held
・Risk assessment conducted

Reinforcing compliance

・Implement Group-wide compliance training
・Conduct compliance surveys once every three years

・Conduct compliance monitoring throughout the Group and consider measures for improvement based on the results of such monitoring
・Conduct compliance training for all Group companies

Dialogue with stakeholders

・Engage in dialogue with the capital markets and focus on the recovery and growth of Pigeon Value Added (PVA) to enhance corporate value

・”Implementation of measures to realize management conscious of cost of capital and stock price” External disclosure

・Tour of new plant for analysts and institutional investors(Pigeon Home Products Corporation)

Reinforcing group governance

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Cash Flow Management Promotion

Improve CCC (Cash Conversion)

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors Conducted once a year

2023 Results/Progress

CCC: 122.9 days (actual as of Dec. 2023)

Reinforcing risk management

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

GHO Risk management committees

Held at least once a year

Conduct company-wide risk assessment (annually)

2023 Results/Progress

2 GHO Risk Management Committee held

Risk assessment conducted

Reinforcing compliance

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Promotion of improvement measures based on the results of compliance monitoring to be conducted in 2023

Implementation of compliance training throughout the Group

2023 Results/Progress

Conduct compliance monitoring throughout the Group and consider measures for improvement based on the results of such monitoringConduct compliance training for all Group companies

Dialogue with stakeholders

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Dialogue with capital markets to enhance corporate value and PVA recovery and growth

2023 Results/Progress

Implementation of measures to realize management conscious of cost of capital and stock price” External disclosure

Tour of new plant for analysts and institutional investors(Pigeon Home Products Co.)