Managing Talent and Cultivating the Right Culture for Our Purpose

What We Aim to Achieve

Cultivating an organizational culture in which diverse individuals resonate with the Pigeon Way and our Purpose; feel pride in the Company, their department, and their work; have an intrinsic motivation to contribute; and can embrace new challenges and express themselves to drive personal growth

Individual Issues

  • In the midst of a drastically changing social environment, the Pigeon Group is considering what new products and services are in demand, how to provide solutions to social issues, how to acquire and develop human resources with the ability to think independently and create solutions, and how to create an environment where such employees can work with vitality and vigor. We aim to “make the company a place where each and every employee can shine in his or her own way” by continuously developing an environment in which such employees can work with vitality and enthusiasm.

  • Working environments that achieve self-fulfi llment and growth / Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Targets and Progress

Individual issues 8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025) 2023 Results/Progress

Working environments that achieve self-fulfillment and growth

・Take steps to become a motivating workplace where employees resonate with the Companyʼs direction and proactively engage in their work
・Improve scores in employee engagement surveys

・Conducted employee engagement survey
・Held Pigeon DNA, Pigeon Way, and Baby-Friendly Future Vision presentation meetings

Ambitious organizational culture

・Foster an organizational culture that embraces challenges where each employee can leverage their strengths to contribute to business expansion
・Hold the Pigeon Frontier Awards (PFA)
*Pigeon Frontier Awards (PFA) is a system to support employees' challenges

・[Japan] Implementation of PFA. 22 ideas were submitted and adopted 5 ideas

Enriched investment in human resource development

・Increase investment in human resource development to implement measures that grow the number of highly specialized personnel capable of adapting to changes in the external environment
・Formulate the Personnel Development Policy and the Internal Environment Development Policy

【Pigeon Corporation】

・[Japan – Pigeon Corporation] Training to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities: 72,363 yen per person and 17 hours of training per person

・[Japan – Pigeon Corporation] New training to select leader candidates


Promoting Diversity, Equity

& inclusion

・Promote the creation of a workplace environment where employees understand and embrace diversity, implementing measures that allow each employee to work authentically
・ [Japan – Pigeon Corporation] Ratio of female managers(Percentage of women managers and above)30%
・ [Japan – Pigeon Corporation] Maintain 100% utilization rate of parental leave system take-up for male employees

【Pigeon Corporation】

・ [Japan – Pigeon Corporation] Ratio of female managers: 26.8%
・ [Japan – Pigeon Corporation] The rate of parental leave system take-up for male employees is 100%. Average number of days of parental leave taken by male employees: 35 days

Working environments that achieve self-fulfillment and growth

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Implementation of measures to make the company "Working environments that reward achievement" where employees sympathise with the company's direction and work proactively

Improved employee engagement scores

2023 Results/Progress

Conducted employee engagement survey

Held Pigeon DNA, Pigeon Way, and Baby-Friendly Future Vision presentation meetings.

Ambitious organizational culture

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Fostering a "ambitious organizational culture" in which each employee can play to his or her strengths and expand the business

(Japan)Implementation of PFA*.

*Pigeon Frontier Awards (PFA) system to support employees' challenges

2023 Results/Progress

(Japan) Implementation of PFA. 22 ideas were submitted. Adopted 5 ideas.

Enriched investment in human resource development

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Enriched investment in human resources development and implementation of measures to increase the number of highly specialised personnel who are able to respond to changes in the external environment

Formulation of human resource development policy and internal environment improvement policy (company-wide)

2023 Results/Progress

【Pigeon Corporation】

Training to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities: 72,363 yen per person, 17 hours of training

New training to select leader candidates

Promoting Diversity, Equity & inclusion

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Promoting the creation of a work environment where employees understand and accept diversity and implementing measures to enable each employee to work in their own way

【Pigeon Corporation】

・Ratio of female managers(Percentage of women managers and above)30%

・Maintain 100% parental leave system utilization rate for both men and women

2023 Results/Progress

【Pigeon Corporation】

Ratio of female managers 26.8%

The rate of parental leave system take-up is 100%

Average number of days of parental leave taken by male employees: 35 days

Initiatives to Improve Human Capital Value

The Pigeon Group places greater importance than ever on our human resource strategy, recognizing it as essential for executing business strategies that enable sustainable growth, even amid significant changes in the business environment. We believe in the potential of human capital as the source of value creation, respect individuals with autonomy, and continually work to foster their growth and success while providing the necessary environment for their achievements. We understand that our human resource strategy must be aligned with both our management and business strategies.

To achieve this, in 2024, we established the Human Resource Management Department within the Business Strategy Division of the Global Head Office (GHO). This allows us to consolidate information on organizational and personnel issues and initiatives from each business division that support the Company’s overall business strategy. By coordinating with the Board of Directors as needed, we have created a system that enables us to provide guidance tailored to each business division. We will implement various initiatives to further enhance the overall value of the Group’s human resources, ensuring that each individual can continue to shine in their own unique way.

  • (From left) Takatoshi Uragari, Deputy Head of the Business Strategy Div.; Naoki
    Wakayama, Senior Manager of the Human Resource Management Dept. and
    Manager of the HR Strategy Section; and Yukika Watanabe, Manager of the HRM
    Section (payroll & welfare)

  • Notes:
    1. GHO: Global Head Office, overseeing the entire Pigeon Group
    2. BU: Four Strategic Business Units (Japan Business, China Business, Singapore Business, and Lansinoh
    Business) responsible for business operation and growth

Human Resource Strategy

The Pigeon Group aims to be an organization where every employee can shine in their own way by acquiring and nurturing personnel with the ability to think autonomously about what new products and services are demanded and how they can contribute to solving societal issues, amid significant changes in the business environment. In addition, we are committed to continuously developing an environment where employees can work actively and vigorously. We have established a long-term vision for human resources and a human capital action policy, envisioning that the Sustainable Growth and Purpose outlined in the 8th Medium-Term Business Plan can be achieved through the brilliance and accomplishments of Group employees.

Metrics and Targets

Pigeon is promoting initiatives aimed at maintaining and improving various metrics toward realization of the key issue of “Managing talent and cultivating the right culture for our Purpose.”

  • *1 The survey on engagement covers Pigeon Corporation, Pigeon (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and Pigeon Singapore Pte. Ltd.
    *2 The rate of paternity leave taken during fiscal year is determined based on a calculation method publicly disclosed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The average number of
    paternity leave days taken represents the average duration of parental leave taken by male employees before the child reaches the age of one year and six months during the reporting period.