Contribution to the Resolution of Social Issues

What We Aim to Achieve

Helping to resolve the social issues that affect babies and families

Individual Issues

  • The Pigeon Group has established the CSR Procurement Policy, which sets forth our basic approach and stance in procurement activities, and the CSR Procurement Guidelines, which serve as guidelines for our activities with suppliers. Based on these policies and guidelines, we pursue the quality and stable supply of the products and raw materials we procure, while building win-win relationships with our suppliers and conducting fair transactions in compliance with laws and regulations and high ethical standards.

  • Promoting responsible procurement
  • The Pigeon Group has been fostering a sense of trust and achieving coexistence and co-prosperity through good communication with local communities. We are engaged in a variety of activities, including the Pigeon Newborn Baby Commemorative Tree-Planting Campaign, Disaster Preparedness for Babies Project, and company-led volunteer activities.

  • Participating in and supporting communities

Targets and Progress

Individual issues 8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025) 2023 Results/Progress
New products and services for babies needing support

・Develop new products and services to address the challenges faced by babies and their families requiring specialized support, such as those admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
・Implement various activities to solve the issues surrounding babies and their families needing specialized support, including those in the NICU

・ [Japan] In November 2023, held the “The Tiny Birth Cry Support Project Exhibition” to raise awareness of breast milk banks
・ [China] Supported the establishment of a breast milk bank as the first main partner of the “Breast Milk Bank Special Fund” of the Beijing Chun Miao Charity Foundation in China
・ [China] Continued support for babies with cleft lip and cleft palate. Held charity events
・ [Singapore] Continued support for babies with cleft lip and cleft palate. Held charity events in Singapore
・Seminars for general consumers in countries around the world

Expanding use of products designed for maternity hospitals

・Improve and expand the use of products designed for maternity hospitals

・ [Japan] Held a photo exhibition to increase awareness of the “Precious Drop” colostrum collection support device
・ [Japan] Improvement of Silicone Long Nipple Feeder
・ [Japan] Held seminars for medical professionals in various countries around the world

Promoting responsible procurement

・Promote responsible procurement in collaboration with suppliers, focusing on human rights, labor, and the environment, and conduct CSR procurement surveys
・Conduct human rights due diligence

・Conducted CSR Procurement Assessment
・Signed the UN Global Compact in September 2023

Participating in and supporting communities

・Engage in various social contribution activities

・ [Japan] Implemented a class for learning about babies
・Received the Incentive Award of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Commendation for Companies Promoting Youth Experiential Activities in 2023
・Implemented tree-planting activities and volunteer activities in various countries around the world

New products and services for babies needing support

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Creation of new products and services that solve issues surrounding babies and families in need of specialised support, such as admission to the NICU

Implementation of various activities to address issues surrounding babies and families in need of specialised support, such as admission to the NICU

2023 Results/Progress

(Japan) In November 2023, held the “The Tiny Birth Cry Support Project Exhibition” to raise awareness of breast milk banks.

(China) Supported the establishment of a breast milk bank as the first main partner of the “Breast Milk Bank Special Fund” of the Beijing Chun Miao Charity Foundation in China.

(China) Continued support for babies with cleft lip and cleft palate. Held charity events.

(Singapore) Continued support for babies with cleft lip and cleft palate. Held charity events in Singapore.

Seminars for general consumers in countries around the world

Expanding use of products designed for maternity hospitals

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

・Improve and expand the use of products designed for maternity hospitals

2023 Results/Progress

(Japan) Held a photo exhibition to increase awareness of the “Precious Drop” colostrum collection support device

(Japan) Improvement of narrow-mouth feeding device

(Japan) Held seminars for medical professionals in various countries around the world

Promoting responsible procurement

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Promote responsible procurement (human rights, labour, environment) in cooperation with suppliers

Conduct CSR Assessment

Conducting human rights due diligence

2023 Results/Progress

Conduct CSR Procurement Assessment

Signing of the UN Global Compact in September 2023

Participating in and supporting communities

8th Medium-Term Business Plan Targets (2025)

Implementation of various social contribution activities

2023 Results/Progress

(Japan) Implemented a class for learning about babies.

Received the Incentive Award of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Commendation for Companies Promoting Youth Experiential Activities in Fiscal 2005.

Implemented tree-planting activities and volunteer activities in various countries around the world.