Sustainability Management

We are committed to ESG management from a medium- to long-term perspective in order to meet the expectations of society while promoting the enhancement of economic value.

ESG/SDGs Policy

Together, the Pigeon DNA and the Pigeon Way comprise the Pigeon’s philosophy that each and every Pigeon employee upholds in the course of their duties.
The Pigeon DNA, made up of our Corporate Philosophy and Credo, has been the core of Pigeon throughout its history and will remain so into the future.
The Pigeon Way, made up of our Purpose, Values, and Action Principles, is the cornerstone of all our activities. It embodies our “heart and soul” and sets the grounds for our actions to stream from this core.

We have set the policy of embodying the Pigeon DNA and the Pigeon Way and contributing to the development of a sustainable society as "Pigeon ESG/SDGs Policy" (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").
We will pursue sustainable operations from the perspectives of Key Issues (Materiality) that we must resolve, environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G), and conduct business activities to contribute to the resolution of social issues represented by SDGs by creating new value through the provision of products and services. Through our business activities, we aim to build relationships of trust with our stakeholders and contribute to the development of a sustainable society by enhancing our corporate value on the whole.

Story to develop a Sustainable Society based on Pigeon ESG/SDGs Policy

Sustainability Promotion System

At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on December 14, 2020, the Company passed a resolution to establish the Sustainability Committee.

The Sustainability Committee was established to strongly drive ESG management in the Pigeon Group as a function of business execution, from a medium-to-long-term perspective. The Committee is chaired by the General Manager of Global Head Office and includes the Division Managers of each Business Division as well as the Business Strategy Division Managers. The Sustainability Committee meets twice or more a year, setting medium- and long-term targets, identifying and regularly revising Key Issues (Materiality) and reviewing progress on measures toward resolving Key Issues. Each time the Sustainability Committee meets, it reports the results to the Board of Directors.

Committee Members

ChairTadashi ItakuraDirector, Senior Managing Executive Officer
Head of Global Head Office
Committee MembersKevin Vyse-PeacockDirector, Executive Officer
Lansinoh Business Division Manager/ CEO of Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc.
Yusuke NakataSenior Managing Officer
Singapore Business Division Manager
Zenzou YamaguchiSenior Managing Officer
Head of Japan Operations
Joe ZhouCHINA BUSINESS DIV. President & Managing Officer/ PIGEON SHANGHAI CO.,LTD President
Nobuo TakuboSenior Managing Officer, Business Strategy Division Manager

Organizational Chart of Sustainability Committee

Each business unit has its own Sustainability Committee, chaired by the head of each business unit. These Committees confirm the progress of activities in the companies in their respective segments and identify issues to address.

Proceedings of the Sustainability Committee


FY2024 the Sustainability Committee meetings (10th~11th)

11th meeting of the Sustainability Committee (September 3, 2024)
・Reports on progress of FY2024/1H activities in each Business Division
・Information sharing for the 9th Mid-Term Management Plan
・Reports on progress of initiatives to achieve a decarbonization

10th meeting of the Sustainability Committee (February 26, 2024)
・Reports on progress of FY2023 activities in each Business Division
・Progress on Key Issues
   - Progress report on key issues
   - Results of the 2023 Employee Engagement Survey
・Shared GHG reduction targets for the 8th Mid-Term Management Plan

Key Issues (Materiality)

Raising ESG Awareness within the Group

The Pigeon Group is conducting a wide range of efforts to raise awareness of ESG within the Group. To promote ESG activities among employees of the Pigeon Group, the Group has introduced a Web-based in-house newsletter, accessible to all employees worldwide. Distributed regularly, this newsletter contains educational content regarding ESG as well as descriptions of efforts at each Group company, in Japanese, English and Chinese, sharing knowledge and information about specific case studies. In addition to distributing information, the Group is drawing up plans and recruiting employees to try out environmentally friendly products for reference purposes and provide reports on the experience. The aim of these efforts is to involve employees directly in the information-sharing process and spread awareness through experience. Pigeon Corporation also strives to spread ESG activities within the company by holding briefings for new employees on ESG management and SDGs training by external lecturers. Furthermore, from 2021, Pigeon Corporation launched its corporate-led volunteer program, in which employees can participate by taking volunteer leave, giving employees the opportunity to experience social contribution activities.

Cases of "ESG News" distributed regularly in global internal newsletters

SDGs training

We conduct SDGs training for employees (including new hires) every year with the aim of deepening their understanding of environmental and social issues and to make them see these issues as their own.
In the training, a card game “2030 SDGs” provided by IMACOCOLABO is played,
The training deepens understanding of the SDGs by simulating the path from the present to 2030 in order to achieve the 17 goals of the

Number of SDGs training participants

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Total
10 people 23 people 22 people 55 people

Corporate-led volunteer activities

Pigeon Corporation has started company-led volunteer activities utilizing the employee volunteer leave system. In 2023, we conducted four types of volunteer activities for babies, families, and local communities, in which a total of 41 employees participated. We will continue to solve social issues and reduce environmental burdens through company-led volunteer activities.

For more details, please check "Our Sustainable Actions."

 ・Supporting Mothers Staying with Their Children in Hospital (Japan - Pigeon)

 ・Helping to Create a Neighborhood Filled with Flowers and Greenery (Japan - Pigeon)

 ・Helping to Create a World Where Children Can Play Freely(Japan - Pigeon)

 ・Beach Cleanup (Japan)