Our Policy on Animal Testing

Our Policy on Animal Testing

The Pigeon Group recognizes the movement to eliminate animal testing as a vital global demand. We are undertaking an array of measures aimed at achieving the elimination of animal testing.
We never conduct tests using animals in the development of skin care products and never permits its outside contractors to do so. Moreover, hawse have no plans to conduct or permit such tests in the future1.
We use original criteria to secure the safety of its skin care products. Our approach is to use the knowledge about safety we have accumulated on various formulations and ingredients from previous development activities and to conduct tests on substitutes for animal testing and other solutions.
On substitutes for animal testing, we continuously collect information in partnership with industry organizations, academic societies and other companies, in Japan and overseas. In this way we actively adopt testing methods of high reliability listed in international testing guidelines.

1: This statement does not include cases where such testing unavoidable due to a duty to explain product safety to the public or government mandating of testing in certain countries. Even when we conduct animal testing in these unavoidable circumstances, we make every effort to minimize animal testing based on the basic philosophy of the three Rs of tender care: Replacement, reduction, refinement.