Ambitious organizational culture / Enriched investment in human resource development

Personnel Development Policy (Pigeon Corporation)

Pigeon Corporation aims to be a diverse corps of professionals, staffing its entire value chain with knowledgeable, experienced and professional employees who closely examine changes in society and actively update their skills with a view to the future. To enable every employee to shine as an individual, Pigeon sponsors training to improve business skills, in which employees can participate on a voluntary basis. In this way Pigeon strives to offer personnel training that respects the autonomy, individuality and professionalism of employees.

Education and Training Framework

In January 2021, in order to support each and every individual employee in becoming a professional with deep specialist skills and knowledge, we began establishing job groups in response to employee career aspirations and aptitude and transitioning toward a new HR framework that clarifies individual responsibilities and excludes time- and seniority-related elements. Based on the idea that employees should proactively pursue their own career advancement, our education and training also uses an entry-based system rather than designated attendance.

“Business stance” and “Business skills” development programs—respectively cultivating basic competencies as a working individual and skills that transcend job group boundaries for facing challenges, people, and oneself—are carried out across all departments. Specialist technical skills differ depending on department and role, so each department prepares and executes its own education and training framework for these areas. Next-generation management and global personnel development is carried out on a “selection and concentration” basis, with continuous, selective education and training for the target segments needed to drive Pigeon’s business forward.

Training Framework

Future executive leader candidates Development

In Future executive leader candidates Development Program, in order to ensure the lasting development of the Pigeon Group, we provide continuous training for Pigeon employees who will serve at the management level in future: “personnel expected to continually develop as people and raise corporate value based on the values expressed in the Pigeon Way.” The training is held on a six-year cycle, and the curriculum includes programs for discovery, development, application, and appointment, with each program developing and selecting from among participants along the way. Most past program participants are now active as core and management personnel.

Early Identification and Training of Self-Starting and Innovative Leaders

In FY2023 Pigeon introduced the Select! Leader Juku, to identify and develop at an early stage self-starting and innovative leaders with potential as future executive candidates. Once every three years Pigeon selects 16 mostly young, middle-management employees (40 years of age and under), either recommended by their supervisors or self-recommended. As candidates for future leaders of Pigeon, these individuals gain experience in examining issues and producing output through projects linked to current business trends and themes.

Promoting continuous individual and organizational development

To promote continuous individual and organizational development, we provide opportunities for understanding diverse workstyles, perspectives, and value systems via diversity-related training and the Accelerate My Career program for career development. Under our right-brain invigoration measure in our key theme-based training, we hold “Dialogue in the Museum” events designed to improve perceptivity with respect for diverse viewpoints and value systems. We also have measures for promoting digital transformation (DX) in order to maintain and strengthen competitiveness and increase speed.
Furthermore, under the Accelerate My Career Program, which provides employees with opportunities and support for self-directed career development, we offer internal recruitment, internal internships, internal pro bono, external postings, and pro bono/volunteer leave as well as regular career development training by age, self-reporting frameworks, and career development planning frameworks.

Accelerate My Career Program Uptake and Training Achievements

Scheme Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Internal recruitment Users (people)
Internal internships Users (people)
Internal pro bono work Users (people) 10  14 
External postings Users (people)
Outside side job Users (people)
Volunteer/pro bono leave Annual cumulative users (people) 27  40  55 
Annual cumulative usage time (hours) 101.25  150.00  213.75 
Training hours per employee Time (hours) 21  11  17 

Pigeon Frontier Awards: Encouraging Employees to Embrace Challenges

Pigeon introduced the Pigeon Frontier Awards (PFA) system in 2019 to support and recognize future-oriented employees who embrace
challenges without fear of failure so that we can maximize their strengths. With the system, we solicit free ideas and new business concepts
from all employees. Excellent proposals are awarded and developed with a view to future commercialization. All employees with a strong
desire and unwavering dedication to realize ideas are eligible to apply, whether they are regular, temporary, casual, or part-time employees.
In 2022, we began expanding eligibility to include employees of domestic Group companies in addition to Pigeon Corporation employees, and
plan to extend this further to cover personnel at overseas Group companies. Since introducing the system, we have received applications
from a wide range of departments, with seven each in 2020 and 2021, and five adopted in 2022 as projects under the direct control of the
President & CEO.

Features of PFA

  1. Increases the amount of enjoyable time at work
  2. Encourages employees to take on challenges without fear of failure
  3. Includes direct support from the president, allowing ideas to materialize quickly

Establishment of Human Resources and Organizational Development Officer

The person in charge of human resources and organizational development is responsible for strategic employee training and succession planning from short-, medium-, and long-term perspectives, and directs the development of educational content necessary to achieve management objectives and the development of educational and training systems necessary for the company's growth based on the future business and organizational structure. He/she also evaluates whether education and training programs are being implemented appropriately based on the plan and whether there are any problems with the content, and instructs the company to make improvements. The general manager of the Human Resources Division is responsible for human resources and organizational development.