Working environments that achieve self-fulfillment and growth
Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

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  • Working environments that achieve self-fulfillment and growth / Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Initiatives to Improve the Value of Human Capital

The Pigeon Group is committed to its Pigeon DNA, the Pigeon Way, its Purpose and, above all, a baby-friendly future. To achieve these ideals, the Pigeon Group has identified five vital issues for the medium-to-long term and is working Group-wide to tackle them in accordance with the themes and basic strategy spelled out in its Medium-Term Business Plan. As the social environment changes dramatically, the Group is committed to creating a “corporate Group in which each employee can shine as an individual”: a Group that develops and attracts people who can imagine the products and services customers need and independently explore strategies for solving social problems and create those solutions, and moreover furnishes a vibrant and supportive working environment for those employees. The Group is convinced that supporting those efforts is the essence of its personnel strategy and that motivated employees require the achievement of sustainable business growth, a philosophy and a purpose.

Advancing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Group’s Corporate Ethics Policies commit the Pigeon Group to “Value the diversity and individuality of each employee at any time and provide for its employees a great work environment with consideration given to their health and security,” adding that “Pigeon will work out to provide a workplace where its employees can achieve self-realization and feel fulfilled.” The Pigeon Group welcomes ambitious and capable people as employees regardless of nationality, race, sex, age, presence/absence of disability, sexual identity or sexual orientation and furnishes a workplace environment in which employees can fully demonstrate their abilities while raising children, caring for family members or dealing with illness. Moreover, the Group accepts employees of a wide variety of backgrounds with respect, actively deploying them to respond to the constantly changing business environment and diversifying customer needs. The Group engages in dialogue with employees regarding their civil and political rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of belief and religion, and respects those rights. In labor terms, based on the Pigeon DNA and the Pigeon Way, the Group maintains a high ethical perspective, advances compliance-focused management, and respects the human and other rights of workers in Japan and around the world. The Group not only accepts and respects diversity but also creates an equal-opportunity environment in which all employees can maximize their individual potentials, thereby celebrating diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and fostering a motivating and supportive organizational culture.

Note: For information about Pigeon’s thinking and policies on diversity, see “2. Appropriate Cooperation with Stakeholders Other Than Shareholders (Supplementary Principle 2.4.1)” in our Corporate Governance Report.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy (Pigeon Corporation)

Aiming to be “a corporate Group in which each employee can shine as an individual,” Pigeon Corporation advances diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). In accordance with the Pigeon Way, Pigeon not only accepts and respects diversity but also creates an equal-opportunity environment in which all employees can maximize their individual potentials, thereby celebrating DEI and fostering a motivating and supportive organizational culture. By linking together the rich creativity of each of its employees, Pigeon creates new value, thereby contributing to customers and society.

The Pigeon Group will continue to pursue initiatives in accordance with this Diversity & Inclusion Policy from various perspectives, with “Understanding and respecting diversity,” “Acquiring and using knowledge,” and “Environments and systems where employees can be themselves” as keywords.

Internal Environment Development Policy (Pigeon Corporation)

Pigeon’s Workplace Environment Policy enjoins Pigeon to “furnish an environment that empowers diverse personnel to tackle challenges and play dynamic roles in ways that are true to themselves.” Pigeon continuously implements measures to fulfill this policy on multiple fronts.

To achieve its vision of a baby-friendly future, Pigeon believes it is essential for each employee to be able to shine as an individual. For that reason, Pigeon believes it is vital to foster an environment in which diverse personnel can leverage their uniqueness and specialized knowledge, in good mental and physical health, to become everything they can be by tackling ambitious challenges, accepting failures as learning opportunities. Pigeon further believes in the importance of cultivating employee understanding, by furnishing programs that enable flexible handling of life events, offering compassionate and responsive management and maintaining clear communication with employees.

 〇Supporting the Advancement of Women

 〇LGBTQ+-related Initiatives

 〇Work-Life Balance

 〇Occupational Health Management

Supporting the Advancement of Women

Pigeon considers the creation of environments in which female employees can play an even more active role to be a particularly important issue. With this in mind, we formulated our Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting the Active Participation of Women. The plan has three pillars: “Expansion of the support system for work-life balance,” “Reforming awareness in the workplace” and “Supporting the feelings and skills of women.” In these ways, we continue to enhance our systems and support the mindsets of our employees. We also focus on training for female management prospects. In the fiscal period ended December 2023, women accounted or 26.8% of Head Office management and 40.2% of overall Pigeon Group management.

Three-Year Action Plan for Promoting the Active Participation of Women (February 2023 to December 2025)

1. Innovative career thinking

2. Raising awareness of work-life balance, regardless of gender

3. Creating an environment where employees feel secure taking leave to give birth and raise children before returning to work

Female Manager Ratio

LGBTQ+-related Initiatives

Pigeon aims to be a company where each and every employee can shine in their own way. We accept diversity in sexual orientation and gender identity, and pursue initiatives to create work environments and systems in which everyone can be themselves at work, regardless of what they choose to publicly reveal.

Familyship System

On November 1, 2022, we introduced the “Familyship system,” under which common-law partners (of any gender) are eligible for the same internal schemes and welfare services as legally married spouses.

LGBTQ+ Helpline

We have established a hotline for discussing LGBTQ+ issues or harassment.
Hotline staffed by : Human Resources & General Affairs Division employees
Eligible for use by: Pigeon employees (including full employees, temporary employees, part-time employees, and casual employees)
*Anonymous consultation is also available.

Work-Life Balance

In order to create a more comfortable working environment for our employees, we have introduced a flextime system without core hours (hours when employees must work). In addition to complying with working hours established by laws and employment regulations regarding worker protection, we are also promoting work-life balance and improving labor productivity by curbing employees' long working hours through the "Leave-by-Seven Rule" and "Regular Dash Day (one day a week)" and by introducing "telework" from April 2019. In addition, as a company involved in child-rearing, we were quick to expand systems to support employees' childbirth and child-rearing, including the "One Month Together" program, which has a 100% take-up rate for both men and women, "Life Design Leave/Leave of Absence", "Early Return to Work Support System" for women, "Childcare Expense Support System for Children on Waiting List", "Shorter Working Hour System", etc. Pigeon also makes efforts to support employees returning to work after childbirth. Pigeon has created a workplace environment in which anyone can take childcare or nursing care leave if they wish, and we are working to foster employees who can talk about childcare and make the most of their childcare experience in product development and other operations.

Pigeon’s Workstyle Reform Slogan

“Smart & Smile! Work”

Work smartly during assigned hours and smile frequently during time off

Utilization of systems supporting child-care and work-life balance.

Name of programDescription
Leave-by-Seven Rule

This rule states that employees must leave work every day no later than 7 PM.

Regular Dash Day Every Wednesday is positioned as a day when everyone leaves work at the end of the regular work day. Leaving early is encouraged on this day.
One Month Together This childcare leave program provides one month of paid leave care for children. It is available to both men and women.
Life Design Leave/Leave of Absence Up to two years’ leave/leave of absence is provided for fertility treatment, adoption of children, etc.
Child-Rearing Report All employees who bear a child (or whose spouse bears a child) are required to submit a report within one and a half years after childbirth. Reports are evaluated by personnel officers and the results are linked to Pigeon’s salary system.
Prenatal Support Pigeon provides employees who are due (or whose spouses are due) to give birth with explanations of programs related to child-rearing and offers consultation on the use of those programs.

Reinstatement Support

Pigeon conducts personnel interviews prior to reinstatement, explains programs and provides interviews with the managers of departments to which former employees are to be reinstated.

Pigeon organizes reinstated mothers’ groups.
  • Records of male participation on “One Month Together” parental leave system

Attendance rate(%)




Average monthly overtime(h)




[Male] fertility rate(%)




[Male] Average number of days of parental leave taken(day)




Employee-created childcare system project   

In 2021, 28 employees who are raising children participated in a project to create new childcare systems that reflects the real voices of employees. The new childcare system, which utilizes the ideas proposed in the project, has been in operation since March 2022. For example, The "First-Time Together Leave" allows a spouse to take up to 10 days of leave before and after childbirth, and the period during which shorter working hours for childcare can be taken has been extended from "up to the first grade of elementary school" to "up to the fourth grade of elementary school," etc. The system has enabled us to create an environment that flexibly responds to the diverse lifestyles of our employees.
We believe that it is our mission to create a social environment in which employees can easily balance work and childcare by promoting the design of systems and the creation of a corporate culture.

Establishing and Supporting Lactation Lounges in Japan      

We have set up breastfeeding/pumping rooms called Lactation Lounges at Head Offi ce with the aims of creating comfortable working environments for employees with small babies and contributing to local communities. In addition to employees, the rooms are available for use by mothers working in the vicinity, as well as mothers and babies living nearby.

Head Quarter
Address: 4-4, Nihonbashi-Hisamatsucho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8480, Japan
Phone: +81-3-3661-4200
Fax: +81-3-3661-4320
Opening hours: 9:00-17:00
* Not available from June 25 to September 1, 2020 because of renewal.

Central Laboratory
Address: 6-20-4, Kinunodai-Tsukuba Miraishi, Ibaraki 300-2495, Japan
Phone: 0297-52-6531
Fax: 0297-52-6533
Opening hours: 9:00-17:00

Platinum Kurumin Certification in Recognition of Superior Support for Childcare and Good Work-Life Balance

Pigeon Corporation has earned recognition for these efforts. Since 2018, the Company was further granted Platinum Kurumin certification, which is awarded to certified Kurumin recipients that are highly evaluated for their achievements in introducing systems that support work-life balance and promoting their use, as well as for the superior level of their effort, for their employees. The Kurumin logo is awarded to companies by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) for satisfying certain criteria, such as measures to counteract Japan’s low birthrate and to support child-rearing in the work environment.

Eruboshi Certification in recognition of the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life

Eruboshi certification is a system under which the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare certifies companies that meet certain standards and have excellent performance in promotion of women’s active engagement, based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life.
In terms of the performance of its activities to promote women’s active engagement, the company met all of the five criteria set forth by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, including "Recruitment," "Continuous employment," "Working style (working hours, etc.)," "Ratio of female managers" and "Diverse career courses," and received the third stage certification, the highest level of Eruboshi in 2023.

Health and Safety at Work

The Pigeon Group is meticulous about managing the health and safety of its workers. All Group factories in Japan and overseas are scrupulously managed in accordance with the Pigeon Group’s workplace health and safety standards and the laws and regulations of each country. Recognizing the need for especially thorough occupational safety management, the Group has introduced ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001), an occupational health and safety standard that is widely adopted internationally, and has obtained 100% certification under this standard at all of its production sites. In 2022, a total of 1,654 Pigeon Group employees have undergone training and education in occupational safety standards in accordance with this management system.

Pigeon Group Companies with Certification under ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001)

Pigeon Home Products Corporation Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Pigeon Manufacturing Hyogo Corporation Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Pigeon Manufacturing Ibaraki Corporation Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
Pigeon Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China
Pigeon Industries (Changzhou) Co., Ltd. China
Pigeon India Pvt. Ltd. India
Pigeon Industries (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand
Thai Pigeon Co., Ltd. Thailand
Lansinoh Laboratories Medical Devices Design Industry and Commerce Ltd. Co. Turkey
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    Promoting Diversity & Inclusion