Our Sustainable Actions
Protecting the Environment by Planting Mangroves (Indonesia)
PT Pigeon Indonesia (PI) is committed to ‘leave a rich earth for the future of babies born tomorrow,’ and in partnership with Lindungi Hutan Foundation, we are planning to plant and monitor a total of 5,000 mangrove trees by the end of 2021 as part of an environmental conservation project.
Initiatives to Reduce Food Waste (Japan - Pigeon)
In January 2021, in cooperation with the Public-Private Partnership Research Center, Pigeon Corporation launched a new initiative to help make cities more baby-friendly by partnering with local municipalities to support parents. As the first stage in these partnership initiatives, Pigeon provided recipient cities with direct donations of baby food and other items needed to raise children.
Supporting Mothers Staying with Their Children in Hospital (Japan - Pigeon)
The Pigeon Corporation’s purpose is “to make the world more baby-friendly by furthering our commitment to understanding and addressing babies’ unique needs.” To begin executing on this, we have launched a corporate-led volunteer program that incorporates volunteer leave for employees. In corporate-led volunteer activities, companies play a leading role in presenting possible volunteer activities to their employees, allowing interested employees to volunteer, and then carrying out the activities with the assembled team of volunteers.
Registering as a "Children's Refuge Center (Business/Vehicle)" (Japan - Pigeon)
Pigeon Corporation has officially joined the Children’s Refuge Center program, registering its Central Laboratory and Tsukuba office in the category “Children’s Refuge Center (Business/Vehicle).”
PhD Scholarship Sponsoring at the University of Leeds(UK)
Lansinoh aims to become climate neutral as a Corporate by 2030 and is committed to a sustainability program that is driven by science to deliver bold climate action along third-party certified emission reduction targets:
‘‘Scope 1&2: 46% reduction compared to 2019; Scope 3: 69% reduction per $ value added compared to 2019.’’ -
Promoting Greener Monozukuri (Manufacturing) and CSR Activities (Thailand)
In December 2020, Thai Pigeon Co., Ltd. (“TP”) received the Prime Minister’s Industry Award 2020 in Environment Quality Conservation for its initiatives toward a sustainable society, including greener monozukuri (manufacturing) and CSR activities.
Ocean Cleanup (Turkey)
Lansinoh is committed to a healthy future for the babies and their families we serve and the planet we live on. In celebration of this year’s World Environment Day, Lansinoh Laboratories Medical Devices Design Industry and Commerce Ltd.Co. took a step towards cleaning the seas.
Head Office Switches to 100% Renewable Energy (Japan - Pigeon)
On August 1, 2021, Pigeon Corporation began using ENEOS Power Corporation’s “Renewable Electricity (100% Renewable Energy from the Muroran Biomass Power Plant)” to power its head office in Chuo, Tokyo. This makes Pigeon’s head office the first Pigeon Group location to use 100% renewable energy, and will reduce annual CO2 emissions by around 252 tons.*
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