An Industry-Academia Collaborative Project Exploring Images, Colors, and Shapes That Fascinate Babies

Creativity from babies brings excitement to society

An Industry-Academia Collaborative Project Exploring Images, Colors, and Shapes That Fascinate Babies


Infant creativity contains so many unknown, even unimaginable possibilities that it cannot even be measured by adult standards. Precisely because babies are unable to speak, we believe that using a range of methods to discover the sorts of designs that stimulate babies’ curiosity and then incorporating these results into products that delight babies will help make parenting environments happier and more pleasant for babies and their families.

What Are the Images, Colors, and Shapes That Fascinate Babies?

To make this idea reality, we launched an industry-academia project with the Kanazawa College of Art: a design competition with the theme “What are the images, colors, and shapes that fascinate babies?”

Holistic Design majors from the Kanazawa College of Art’s Department of Craft assisted with the competition. These students study 11 specialties, including advertising, packaging, and product design, in a comprehensive major with a unique curriculum that addresses topics like “exploring business plans, services, and communication methods that incorporate play.” We believed that combining the free thinking of Kanazawa College of Art students with our own experience as a baby product manufacturer that carries out a wide range of baby research would let us discover of designs that no one expected. This was the genesis of the project.

Letting Babies Choose the Winner

After members of our design and baby research teams chose a shortlist of five designs from the entries we received from students, babies choose the winner directly.

▼October 16, 2024 Pigeon Land Kamishakujii 1 year-old class

▼October 20, 2024 Pigeon Headquarter

Pigeon will continue engaging in activities that encourage cultivating and mutually enjoying the creativity of babies, to bring excitement not just to babies but to their families and society as well.


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