Bringing "Precious Drop" to More Mothers Struggling With Colostrum Expression As Possible

All babies are helped to develop and grow, regardless of the conditions of their birth

Bringing "Precious Drop" to More Mothers Struggling With Colostrum Expression As Possible


Every year, around 20 million babies enter the world with birthweights of less than 2,500 grams (around 5 lb 8 oz).*

Pigeon not only strives to make nursing easier for all babies, it also engages in a range of initiatives to help mothers provide their babies with breast milk without issues.

* Source: Japan Committee for UNICEF homepage

One of our initiatives was the development of “Precious Drop,” a device that supports support colostrum collection. Precious Drop is for use immediately after birth, when not much breast milk is yet expressed, and colostrum is collected by hand using a syringe. It makes collecting colostrum easier and is designed to collect every “precious drop,” since it is easier to use for mothers unaccustomed to hand expression and collection via syringe.

Initiatives to Bring “Precious Drop” to As Many Mothers as Possible

At the 64th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Japan Society of Maternal Health, held at the Osaka International Convention Center on October 13 and 14, 2023, we held a photo exhibition in order to raise awareness of the Precious Drop colostrum collection device among midwives on the health care front lines.

At the exhibition, we showed photos taken at the Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital along with the stories of four mothers and their children. This received a great deal of positive feedback. Many visitors gazed at the photographs for extended periods, and some midwives discussed the matter of support with their colleagues.

Comments from visitors included “It was inspiring to see mothers doing their best at breast milk care” and “I am glad I learned about the concept of not wasting a single drop of colostrum, along with the project.”

Mini Photo Gallary

Our thoughts are one. May you produce as much milk as possible! A midwife unexpectedly struck the same pose next to a mother who was suckling using the Precious Drop. Their movements are synchronized because their thoughts are one. Just the two of usThe mother cried, "I am sorry" about her baby's premature birth. A quiet time to face the baby who is struggling to live in the incubator. The "zest for life" overflowing in little eyesThe baby is out of her tummy early, but you can see the zest for life in her eyes. The nurse has sorted out the cords on her body, and now the mother is going to carry her in her arms. Like a treasure.Immediately after the surgery, two neonatologists carry the baby to the mother's chest. Their hands and eyes convey that they are taking great care not to harm the baby, who is their treasure. We met safely!The fetal movement decreased, and a C-section birth was hastily decided at 33 weeks gestation. But the baby was born healthy. Oh, thank God." The operating room suddenly became a space of joy. I'll do the best I can now.A mother checks the amount of colostrum she has suckled. No matter how small the amount is, she looks forward to suckling for the sake of the baby she cannot spend time with. Next to me when night fallsBreastfeeding continues day and night. The presence of a midwife who provides the same support during the day is reassuring. go breastfeeding aloneA mother wakes up on time in the dark to breastfeed. Even when the midwife cannot come, she faces breastfeeding alone.

We will continue sharing information in order to remain a company that helps and stands alongside mothers doing their best at colostrum collection for the sake of their children’s lives.
