Helping Parents Feel Less Alone by Sharing True Tales of Worries and Struggles from Pigeon Employees

Loose, friendly ties facilitating easy cooperation around raising children

Helping Parents Feel Less Alone by Sharing True Tales of Worries and Struggles from Pigeon Employees


With the increasing nuclearization of the family, fewer Japanese parents than ever have a more experienced parent in their immediate vicinity to ask for advice about raising children.

Recognizing this reality, we decided that parents might feel less alone if they knew that even Pigeon employees, who one might assume to have a wealth of knowledge of parenting, deal with the same worries and struggles as other parents when they have children of their own. To this end, we established a Pigeon Parenting Publishing Project, calling for contributions from interested employees and publishing the resulting book through Kadokawa.

How the Project Began

Pigeon believes that parenting is part of an employee’s job. All employees who have children submit a “parenting report” that helps Pigeon use their parenting experiences and the lessons they learned in the company’s work and business. This initiative began in 2006, and by 2021 Pigeon had collected around 250 parenting reports, representing a clear, true-to-life record of how individual Pigeon employees who became parents struggled with new challenges, fought to succeed, and enjoyed family life.

Hoping to turn this asset into a book that could be shared with people throughout the world, interested employees formed a Pigeon Parenting Publishing Project and successfully brought their work to bookstore shelves.


By sharing this book with as many people as possible, we hope to bring some relief and reassurance to mothers, fathers, and family members who sometimes struggle or feel uncertain as they do their best to parent their children. We also hope to help create a future where everyone involved in parenting can better enjoy engaging with it.

About the Book

The book was produced with the assistance of Kei Kurata, an illustrator and manga artist with a large following on social media, and published through Kadokawa.

Note: The book’s contents are entirely based on individual employees’ thoughts and feelings, and do not necessarily reflect the public position of Pigeon Corporation

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Even Pigeon Employees Are Shocked?! A First Child Is an Encounter with the Unknown

Chapter 2: A Second Child is More Than Twice As Hard! What About a Third?

Chapter 3: Different Pains, Different Joys: Individual Approaches to Parenting

Chapter 4: Everything’s Different?! Birth and Parenting Outside Japan

Chapter 5: Pigeon Confidential: Revealing Our Secrets!


  • Title: Pigeon no kosodate (Pigeon Parenting): Tales of Genuine Worry, Thought, and Struggle from Employees of a Baby Product Brand.
  • Authors: Pigeon Publishing Project team, Kei Kurata (manga)
  • Publisher: Kadokawa
  • Size: A4
  • Pages: 160


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