Support for "Grandparenting"

No barriers to raising children
Support for "Grandparenting"
As the nuclearization of the family continues, an increasing number of households consist of two parents and their children, without grandparents living nearby. This means that more families turn to outside third parties such as local government or private services for parenting support in times of need, rather than their own families.
Creating a Uniquely Pigeon System for Employees to Care for Grandchildren
Pigeon’s employees have access to many parenting support systems, and these systems are used regardless of gender.
In order to broaden our perspective further, and to allow Pigeon employees to play an active role in caring for their grandchildren as well as their children given the large number of households today where parents care for children alone, in 2024 we created a “Grandparenting Leave” system.
Details of the System
Leave for the birth of a grandchild
To celebrate the birth of a grandchild, employees can take two days of special paid leave.
This is useful in cases where a grandparent must look after older siblings while the father attends the birth.
Leave to care for grandchildren
Employees with a grandchild in elementary school can use cumulative paid leave to care for that grandchild.
Presents to celebrate the birth of a grandchild
Related Links
- Home
- Vision of a Baby-Friendly Future
- Support for "Grandparenting"