Our Sustainable Actions
Making Packaging with More Concern for the Environment (Japan-Pigeon Corporation)
To leave a rich Earth for the future of babies born tomorrow, Pigeon Corporation is working to reduce its environmental impact based on the medium- to long-term targets in the Pigeon Green Action Plan.
Environmental conservation activities through tree planting ‐Greening of deserts (China)
PIGEON (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. has been conducting tree-planting activities in the desert since 2023 as one of the initiatives for “A comfortable world where babies are not troubled by environmental risks” in our vision of a baby-friendly future.
Support for Breastfeeding Mothers (Türkiye)
Lansinoh Group companies regularly hold breastfeeding seminars to support breastfeeding mothers. In this issue, we introduce a breastfeeding seminar series held by Lansinoh’s office in Istanbul, Türkiye (“Lansinoh Türkiye”).
Supporting Families Staying with Hospitalized Children (Japan-Pigeon Corporation)
Pigeon Corporation runs regular corporate-led volunteer activities through our employee volunteer system.
Making Nametags from Nursing Bottles That Have Served Their Purpose (Singapore)
In 2019, PIGEON SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. (“PS”) began collecting used plastic nursing bottles.
Supporting Babies with Cleft Lip and/or Palate (China)
The Pigeon Group engages in activities to support babies with cleft lip and/or palate in countries and regions around the world. This article introduces several of the activities that Group company PIGEON (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. (known as PSH) has conducted for many years to support babies with cleft lip and/or palate.
Supporting Human Milk Banks for Babies Born Small (China)
The Pigeon Group’s Tiny Birth Cry Support Project helps babies who need specialist care—including premature babies, low birthweight babies, and babies needing treatment for diseases—and their families. One activity undertaken as part of this project is PIGEON (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. (or PSH)’s support for human milk banks, which has been ongoing since 2020.
Helping to Protect Babies from Disaster (Japan-Pigeon)
Pigeon Corporation’s “Babies and Preparedness Circle Promotion Project” aims to make the world more baby-friendly by keeping babies safe when disaster strikes. Many local municipalities support the project and find it resonates with their values, and we work with them to protect babies from disaster.
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